
En-dash and Em-dash

Posted by on Jun 26, 2011 in WordPress | 0 comments

En-dash and Em-dash

Are you sick of using hyphens ( – ) and double dashes ( -- ) when trying to use a long dash? There are three types of dashes. You might wonder what the difference is between a hyphen, en dash and em dash. The hyphen, or minus sign, is used to show a word is hyphenated. The en dash ( – ) is so called because it is as wide as an uppercase N in whatever the current font happens to be. There are complicated rules on how to properly use the en dash, but in practice it’s rarely used. When it is used, it is most commonly...

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Why Google Apps is Your Best Email Choice

Posted by on Jun 24, 2011 in Blog | 0 comments

Why Google Apps is Your Best Email Choice

Google Apps is a powerful suite of online applications. See the Google Apps Wikipedia article for great information on Google Apps. If you have a Gmail account, you may already be familiar with many of these tools, such as Google Calendar and Google Docs. Google Apps is simply hosting these on your own domain for a business or organization and allowing you to manage organization-wide settings and user accounts. This way, for example, you could have email addresses like...

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