Posted on May 30, 2011 in Internet Business, WordPress | 0 comments
You can easily list the latest YouTube videos from any channel in your sidebar as a WordPress widget, using the TubePress plugin. This plugin is designed to be a flexible tool for showing a gallery of YouTube or Vimeo videos on a page, but it does provide a simple sidebar widget.
You have many options for what videos to show–the newest or most popular videos on YouTube, for example–but the most likely use I can think of is for you to feature your newest videos on your own website, so the instructions to follow are assuming that is what you want to do.
Suggested settings:
In “Which Videos?” tab, go down to “Videos from this YouTube user” and fill in the username
Under the “Appearance” tab, select “date published” from the “Order videos by” drop-down and uncheck “randomized thumbnails.”
Under “Embedded Player,” uncheck “show related videos”
Under “Advanced,” uncheck “Enable debugging”
Note: many of the settings only effect the player on a regular page video gallery. Relatively few of the settings will affect the sidebar widget.
Don’t forget to change the widget title.
Unfortunately, there is no way to get the widget to take people to the channel. You can’t add text in the widget, the settings to have clicks take people to the YouTube page do nothing… all you can do is add another widget immediately below saying something like “want more? Here’s the link to the YouTube channel…” and in some themes, where there is a clear delineation between different plugins, that could just look tacky.